Whitetail Capes For Sale
Mountin' Man Taixdermy
2249 Kendall Road, Kendall NY 14476
(585) 269-9933
Deer capes for sale. Professionally "wet" tanned Northern whitetail buck capes for sale. These are commercial capes suitable for mounting full shoulder whitetails. Clean smooth white leather, 5 to 10 minutes prep time. Most capes will have some damage. The ear cartilage is NOT removed. We have a few early season short hair capes also. Necks are measured at the smallest circumference. This is the actual skin measurement after tanning.
Including fleshing and tanning cost and 2-3 days Priority USPS shipping and handling. No volume purchase discounts. No Credit cards, Venmo, or PayPal. Make checks or money orders payable to Bill Anderson, 2249 Kendall Road, Kendall NY 1447
Include cape number which you want to purchase along with the measurements of that cape.