Whitetail Taxidermy School.
2025 will be a Great year to start your new hobby or full time career.
Last year was Great here at the Whitetail School. Many of the students took in lots of work this past season because of the beautiful work they produce.
Class dates are now being added. More dates will become available as classes fill up.
March 21-23. is almost full. April 25-27 May 23-25 and June 20-22 still have open spots.
Call or text Bill at 585 269-9933 To book your class now.
Andersons Whitetail Ranch
2249 Kendall Rd
Kendall NY 14476.
To sign up for Whitetail School Classes and get on the waiting list please call or text me.
Thanks Bill (585)269-9933
All students signed up for classes please call me a few days before your class.
Thanks Bill phone (585) 269-9933
Total cost ONLY $2000.
This includes the full shoulder deer mount you will take home valued at $700. Plus over $600 in tools capes and materials included with the class to take home... So your pretty much learning for the cost of your next deer head.
Where else can you learn to mount a deer for ONLY $2000 ?
Its been 18 years since we started teaching.
Along the way we have learned a lot ourselves and made some Great friends.
Several hundred students are now Taxidermist since attending our classes. Many have made careers as taxidermists already. Some are competing and winning awards.
Please call Bill one week before attending class so we can go over details. (585) 269-9933

What to expect...
Day One
Class starts at 10 AM.
Running a business and how to get work in your shop.
Skinning and fleshing demo.
Ill buy lunch at local diner.
You skin ,flesh and salt your deer cape.
Day Two
Class starts at 9 AM.
Complete mounting demo start to finish.
Cape tanning.
You will prep you manikin set eyes etc for Sunday .
Day Three
Class starts at 9 AM.
You will mount you own deer from start to finish.
Class is usually completed each day between 4PM-6PM.
Learn to mount a whitetail deer from start to finish in 3 days only 28 hours or less.
We will teach you everything to mount you own deer and open your own shop.
Class includes. The Buck you will mount during the class. $600 in tools materials and extra buck capes to take home. All you need to bring to class is a set of antlers.
ONLY $2000 Total
Let us teach you how to mount your own deer.
You can have it hanging on your wall only 3 weeks after harvesting it.
Earn extra income.
Be your own boss.
Set your own work hours.
Have more time to hunt.
Make it a full time business.
We offer:
24 - 28 hour class.
$600 in tools, materials, and taxidermy supplies .
1 extra buck cape.
Your own deer mount to take home.
T.A.S.C.O catalog.
Research Taxidermy supply catalog.
Mckenzie Taxidermy supply catalog.
VanDyke catalog.
Pre-printed notes of every step we show you while attending class.
Ongoing technical support after class.

Classes fill up very quickly.
Call or text now to save your place.
phone Bill @ (585) 269-9933
January Class 2014
Tracy form Ontario Canada Kat and Amber from Brooklyn NY
We had a great time and these ladies produced some beautiful mounts.

Jerry Rightmyer Buck
Kansas Giant
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